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2022 Symposium

This year we will take a close look at the impending VR revolution which will be a large part of all our lives in the near future. Games and social is being invested in but we feel that knowledge work is not getting as much attention.

Why VR?


The goals of this symposium are:

  • Raise awareness of the potential of work in VR
  • Raise awareness of the issues of developing systems for work in VR
  • Spark rich and deep dialogue on how VR can be employed to augment how we work, in terms of tools, systems, infrastructures and beyond
  • Produce a record in the form of The Future of Text Vol III (the future of text in 3D) for practitioners, thinkers, students and the general public to reflect on for future efforts

Join Us

Join the conversation as we discuss different perspectives in how we can work in VR.

This Symposium is hosted by Frode Alexander Hegland, Ismail Serageldin and Vint Cerf. The curators and editors of the event and the subsequent Future of Text book are Dene Grigar, Claus Atzenbeck and Mark Anderson.

Keynote by Jaron Lanier.

Symposium Format

The format is for the presenter to submit a paper ahead of time (2 weeks before the symposium, to allow for any edits, on the 13th of September). This paper will be distributed to all the attendees 1 week before the symposium, on the 20th of September, as a special issue of our Journal.

On the day there will be just 5 mins for presentations, which may be exactly the same as the paper, a summary or a new presentation on the same topic, then 15 mins dialogue.

Information for presenters

When & Where

27th and 28th of September 2022, London, UK, and Online. iCal

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